Oct 22, 2023Liked by Brendon Holder

Thanks for writing this. In my experience, social media is good for rapidly disseminating emergency info (though this has really degraded) and sharing event deets but it's pretty garbage for organizing toward long-term solidarity. I don't know a single seasoned organizer who relies on social media. Zero. Ultimately, these are profit/data/algo driven corporate platforms that surveille and censor users, esp marginalized ones. There are accessible, online ways to organize that don't involve social. No one's going to "like" you for showing up to a rally, contacting political reps or running a teach in but no one can shadowban you either :)

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Your point around how social media can be used for surveillance is such a salient one, one that deserves its own essay. In the hands of governing powers, it can have the adverse effect of activism and be used to further oppress. Thanks so much for reading and sharing your thoughts🙏

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First of all, this was so good, so clear, so well said. Thank you for publishing it.

Also - those posts where people are like “if you’re not posting about this, WE’VE NOTICED” are literally laughable. Like, they’re implying that if you’re not posting about X political conflict, that you’re on the side of the “bad guys” du jour (racists, oppressors, colonists, etc)....but personally I don’t post bc, to your point, it does basically nothing *except* feed big tech engagement and profit! Posting is such a small, impotent method of political action, and yet it’s framed as primary and essential. Those shaming “we’ve noticed” posts literally get people to post...and like girl!! For what!!!

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